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Saturday 5 October 2024
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Join-the-Conversation: How can academic advisors help students to capitalise upon the wealth of learning experiences at HKU?


Co-organised by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and Academic Advising Office

Details of the workshop:
Date : December 1, 2016 (Thursday)
Time : 12:00nn - 1:30pm
Venue : CPD 2.37, 2nd Floor, Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus
Panellists : Dr. Michael Botelho, Dr. Gary Harfitt, Dr. Julia Kuehn, and Miss Nicole Tavares
Discussants : Ms. Katherine Wan and Ms. Rachel Hong
Facilitators : Dr. Susan Bridges and Dr. Tracy Zou

Refreshments will be provided.

Undergraduate students at HKU are increasingly exposed to a wealth of dynamic and exciting learning experiences. Using a developmental approach, Academic Advisors can guide undergraduate students in strategically navigating and planning across their curriculum opportunities to gain maximum benefit from these opportunities. A range of challenges may arise including, among others, communicating academic standards, encouraging student agency and ‘stretch’, and referring to other student support services.

In this Join-the-Conversation, four panel speakers will share with us their stories in engaging, inspiring and guiding students to maximise their learning and development opportunities at HKU. The two discussants will also share their perspectives. A panel-led discussion will then follow. We welcome all colleagues to join. Colleagues with an academic advising role or those who are involved in providing guidance to students in their academic and personal development may find this event particularly relevant.

About the Panellists
Dr. Michael Botelho has been working at HKU for 21 years and has been actively involved in the design, development and implementation of a range of curriculum innovations and reforms in problem-based learning (PBL), e-learning, simulation training and competency assessments. He is the former Academic Advising co-ordinator in the Faculty of Dentistry. He has published and presented on dental education in journals and at conferences locally and internationally. He has conducted workshops on PBL, facilitator training, problem writing and standards descriptors for clinical skills performance. He is the 2015 Hong Kong UGC teaching award recipient.

Dr. Gary Harfitt is Associate Professor and Assistant Dean in the Faculty of Education. He is a former Academic Advising Coordinator in the Faculty of Education. He also served as Programme Director of the 4 double degrees in the Faculty from 2010-2014 and since 2015 has been Assistant Dean for Experiential Learning (EL). He has been involved with integrating experiential learning programmes into Undergraduate and Postgraduate teacher training courses including a pioneering EL ‘block’ for all PGDE full-time students this year. As Assistant Dean he has supported the setting up of multiple students’ EL projects and EL credit-bearing courses in the HK community as well as other locations such as China, Thailand, Australia, Cambodia, India, Vietnam, Nepal and Taiwan.

Dr. Julia Kuehn is Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) in the Faculty of Arts. She is also the current Chair of the Academic Advising Committee. Julia has been involved in Academic Advising ever since it was inaugurated, from getting it off the ground in the Faculty of Arts (being on the committee that decided to make all teachers in Arts academic advisors) to looking into improving the system over the years (with a new sign-up system from 2016-17 that gives students more agency in choosing their advisor). As Associate Dean, Julia has also overseen EL initiatives in Arts. With a Faculty that has 22 major and 31 minor programmes, an open curriculum with many choices and a large student body, advising Bachelor of Arts students is a huge challenge as no student is the same. Julia is hoping to learn from today’s discussion as much as she may be able to contribute.

Miss Nicole Tavares is Senior Lecturer in the Division of English Language Education at the Faculty of Education of HKU. Her expertise is in the areas of 21st century skills learning, using educational technologies and social media in teacher professional development, language-across-the-curriculum initiatives, interactive assessment, mistake-management and collaborative learning – all with a prime focus on student-centredness, learner motivation, teacher-student communication and the student voice. Her 2013 co-authored article published in Computers & Education titled ‘From Moodle to Facebook: Exploring students’ motivation and experiences in online communities’ has achieved 98 citations to date. For her commitment to and innovations in teaching and learning, she was presented with the Distinguished Teacher Award (2006), Knowledge Exchange (Team) Award (2010), Teacher Effectiveness Award for the highest average SETL ratings in undergraduate programmes (2011–2014) and Outstanding Teaching Award (2015) by her Faculty as well as the Outstanding Teaching Award in 2015 by HKU. She has been an Academic Advisor for a few years and is keen on seeking ways to play a more effective role in this capacity.

Ms. Katherine Wan, Head, Academic Advising Office
Ms. Rachel Hong, Academic Advisor, Academic Advising Office

Dr. Susan Bridges, Associate Professor, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and Assistant Dean (Curriculum Innovation), Faculty of Education
Dr. Tracy Zou, Assistant Professor, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

For information, please contact:
Ms. Noranda Zhang , CETL
Phone: 3917 4729; Email: noranda@hku.hk​