Under the aegis of the University Grant’s Committee’s (UGC) Virtual Teaching and Learning (VTL) initiative, The Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) in collaboration with Faculty Associate Deans (Teaching and Learning) and the Director of the Common Core is launching an HKU Teaching and Learning Fellows programme. Over the four semesters (from September 2021 till December 2023) 9 HKU Teaching and Learning Fellows will join the CETL academic community for a whole semester to collaborate on pedagogical support and professional development initiatives in CETL.
• Forging closer links between CETL and the faculties, ensuring greater depth and breadth of dissemination of VTL pedagogic innovations within and across disciplines;
• Enhancing academics’ leadership profiles in learning and teaching by encouraging and enabling successful applications for Senior Fellowship of Advance HE for career development.
HKU Teaching and Learning Fellows will be expected to be leaders in an area of online teaching, learning or assessment within their programme and/or across programmes/ faculties.
HKU Teaching and Learning Fellows will:
Where appropriate, HKU Teaching and Learning Fellows will be aligned to one of the following ongoing VTL-funded projects managed by CETL project lead(s):
HKU Teaching and Learning Fellows who have been seconded to CETL will be expected to provide the following outputs.