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Saturday 5 October 2024
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Teachers as Leaders: Teaching During Periods of Uncertainty


Co-organized by HKTEA and Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL), The University of Hong Kong

Details of the workshop:
Date : 17 December 2020 (Thursday)
Time : 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
Venue : Conducted via Zoom
Speaker : Mr. David S. Lee, Principal Lecturer, HKU Business School
Facilitator : Dr. Cecilia Chan, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU

From political unrest to pandemic, recent events have demonstrated that universities are not immune from the impact of uncertainty. With such uncertainty likely to be the new norm globally, it is important for educators to consider how to enhance their teaching in such an environment. One way to navigate such uncertainty and teach more effectively is for teachers to improve as leaders through developing leadership agility. Leadership agility can lead to more effective teaching, greater learner engagement in both online and traditional teaching environments, and transformational learning outcomes for both students and teachers during their respective learning journeys.

About the Speaker
David teaches broadly in the areas of ethics, fintech, law, and corporate governance for the undergraduate, MBA, and other taught postgraduate degree programs, including the IMBA with Fudan University, and the Executive MBA-Global Asia offered with Columbia Business School and London Business School. A recipient of multiple teaching excellence and teaching innovation awards, David develops case studies and teaching materials in the areas of corporate governance, decision-making, ethics, fintech, and leadership. He has received funding to explore how technology can be used to enhance learning and is a co-teacher of the award winning online course, Fintech Ethics and Risks. Before joining HKU, David worked in law and finance. As the inaugural Director for career development at HKU Business School, David is especially interested in helping students as they consider and prepare for different career and life paths.