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Saturday 5 October 2024
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CETL Reflections, Tips, and Quotes

CETL Tips of the Week – Self-Determination Theory

3 types of psychological needs to achieve optimal learning:

Autonomy - one's sense of control
Competence - one's sense of mastery
Relatedness - one's sense of belonging

3 ways to enhance motivation:

1. Help students connect what they are learning to their lives
2. Help enhance sense of belonging
3. Take care of your own motivation and well-being


Posting date:  23-Oct-2021

CETL Quote of the Week – Dr. Mimi Bong

Developing competence is and should be the most important reason behind students’ achievement strivings. Competence development, not competence validation, should be our goal in every learning situation.

Posting date:  15-Oct-2021

CETL Reflection of the Week – Canning et al.

“…students were demotivated and had more negative experiences in classes taught by fixed (versus growth) mindset faculty (teacher). Faculty mindset beliefs predicted student achievement and motivation above and beyond any other faculty characteristic……”


Growth Mindset
“the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts”
Fixed Mindset
“Believing that your qualities are carved in stone” (Dweck, 2007)

Posting date:  8-Oct-2021

September 2021

CETL Quote of the Week – Dr. Sean McMinn

Facilitating near and far transfer of learning is important for our students. They need to learn how to transfer the competencies learned from a task to a new context or into their future learning.

Posting date:  25-Sep-2021

CETL Quote of the Week – Dr. Wang Shuang

Engaging students as partners in co-creating knowledge means the whole learning process becomes a process of “engagement” and “empowerment” with a strong sense of “maturing”. In this process, students are much more than passive listeners, they are transformed into active agents and seekers of knowledge in their own unique research initiative.

Posting date:  18-Sep-2021

CETL Quote of the Week – Dr. Julie Chen

I find that, as a teacher, the simple effort of ‘asking an unscripted question’ can create a human connection and help us appreciate the individuality of each student.

Posting date:  10-Sep-2021