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CETL Reflections, Tips, and Quotes

CETL Quote of the Week – Team of Mr. Ashley S. Kelly

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To cultivate more strategic professional planning practices, our students simultaneously learn technical and critical theory approaches from other fields. This is not for them to conduct basic research in those fields but instead to teach students where to find the generative dissonance that comes from synthesizing diverse sources of knowledge and perspectives on the environment.
Mr. Ashley S. Kelly (Leader), Faculty of Architecture
Dr. Xiaoxuan Lu, Faculty of Architecture
Strategic Landscape Planning for the Greater Mekong
Teaching Innovation Award 2021 (Team)

Posting date:  09-Aug-2022

CETL Quote of the Week – Dr. Ming-yen Ng

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I like to encourage learners to be critical thinkers. I want them to ask why, what or how things are done as it helps deepen their understanding and allows them to understand the purpose of why medical practice is the way it is or sometimes to realise that this is an area of development that requires further work, research or technological development in order to improve our patients' lives.
Dr. Ming-yen Ng
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine for Cardiac Imaging Massive Open Online Courses
Early Career Teaching Award 2021

Posting date:  29-Jul-2022

CETL Quote of the Week – Ms. Tanya J. Kempston

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Innovation means rising to the challenge of using all the skills, abilities and tools we have at our disposal to give student agency in teaching and learning, and to encourage them to gain breadth of experience, depth of knowledge, as well as enjoyment in the process of managing challenges.
Ms. Tanya J. Kempston
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Education for Hear This! A Festival of Radio Drama on Zoom
Early Career Teaching Award 2021

Posting date:  20-Jul-2022

CETL Quote of the Week – Ms. Janet K.T. Wong

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In healthcare practice like pharmacy, I believe that successful education nurtures individuals who commit to life-long learning, person-centred care, and demonstrate competence, resilience, ethics, good leadership and teamwork. These attributes develop beyond graduation with parallel development in professional identity and expertise. Therefore, a successful learning journey leads students to pursue a fruitful career and achieve beyond …school.
Ms. Janet K.T. Wong
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Early Career Teaching Award 2021

Posting date:  8-Jul-2022

Jul 2022

CETL Reflection of the Week – Cheating

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Cheating is posing a serious threat to the quality of higher education. There are no simple solutions to the problem of cheating. By adopting a multi-pronged approach that balances both the positive and educative nature of academic integrity with the adversarial and punitive nature of assessment security, we can potentially address the problem of cheating.
Academic integrity involves:
  • Upholding fundamental values of academic integrity such as trust, and respect;
  • Equipping students with the capabilities and building a culture of integrity;
  • Creating policies, and pedagogies that uphold academic integrity.
Assessment security involves:
  • Adopting approaches to detect attempts to cheat;
  • Taking measures to make cheating more difficult;
  • Enforcing assessment security measures such as authentication and detection to block e-cheating sites.
Dawson, P. (2020). Defending assessment security in a digital world: preventing e-cheating and supporting academic integrity in higher education. Routledge.https://www.routledge.com/Defending-Assessment-Security-in-a-Digital-World-Preventing-E-Cheating/Dawson/p/book/9780367341527.

Posting date:  02- Jul-2022

Jun 2022

CETL Tips of the Week – Accessibility arrangement during course preparation

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How to foster the communication with students about their accessibility needs during course preparation? This week’s tips are drawn from the Guideline on fostering practices for disability inclusion at higher education institutions developed by Dr. Patcy Yeung from the Faculty of Education and her team of the teaching development project on enhancing learning experience for students with visual impairment in higher education. We may refer to Chapter 14.3 of the Guideline for details.
  1. Make effective use of course outlines
    Course outlines facilitate students to identify potential barriers and required accessibility services early on so that timely arrangements can be made.
  2. Encourage students to express their needs
    Invite students to voice out their needs in the welcoming email before the class starts and/or by making public announcement on the first day of class.
  3. Work with students
    Discuss with students about their accessibility needs. Work out potential solutions with students and keep them informed of the accessibility arrangement progress.
  4. Protect students’ privacy and confidentiality
    When in doubt about how to assist the students, ask them as privately as possible. Do not spotlight particular students to the rest of the class without students’ consent.
  5. Allow time for accessibility arrangement
    Provide students with the learning materials for the coming class as early as possible. Give advance notice if there will be changes in the topics and/or activities and provide suggested preparation.
Ma, G. Y. K., Chan, B. L. F., Wu, F. K. Y., Ng, S. T. M., Ip, E. C. L., & Yeung, P. P. S. (2021). Enhancing Learning Experience for Students with Visual Impairment in Higher Education. Guideline on fostering practices for disability inclusion at higher education institutions. (Trial ed.). The University of Hong Kong. (146 pages.). https://doi.org/10.25442/hku.17032685.v1.

Posting date:  24-Jun-2022