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Saturday 5 October 2024
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Professional Development Seminar: Blended approaches and collaborative visualizations


Organised by Centre for Applied English Studies (CAES)

Details of the workshop:
Date : 28 September, 2016 (Wednesday)
Time : 1:00 - 2:00pm
Venue : Active Learning Room 2.77, 2F, Advisory Zone, Chi Wah Learning Commons
Speaker : Dr. Susan Bridges, Assistant Dean (Curriculum Innovation), Faculty of Education & Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) are gaining international currency as a new and potentially liberating form of global online education. However, blended approaches that provide the thoughtful inclusion of educational technologies to enhance student learning can support, among others, key University aims of critical intellectual inquiry and collaboration. The challenge in adopting a blended approach is how one draws upon emerging trends and new affordances in a principled and integrated manner to enhance both face-to-face, in-class and online, out-of-class learning experiences. In this talk, I examine some of the opportunities of blended approaches for inquiry-based professional curricula and expand upon examples of the use of visual tools across the health sciences.

Susan Bridges is an Associate Professor and currently Assistant Dean (Curriculum Innovation) with the Faculty of Education and the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at The University of Hong Kong. Her work in higher education focuses on curriculum design and staff development, including e-learning initiatives, to enhance student learning outcomes. This resulted in a 2012 HKU Outstanding Teaching Award (Team) for work on blended learning in PBL in Dentistry. Her research interests are interactional and ethnographic, exploring the ‘how’ of effective pedagogy and professional communication. She has published widely on the role of educational technologies in PBL in the health sciences.