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Saturday 5 October 2024
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Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme Seminar – Starting a Journey to Adaptive Learning


Details of the workshop:
Date : 4 March 2020 (Wednesday)
Time : 12:00 nn - 1:00 pm
Venue : To be held virtually by Zoom
Speaker: Dr Lily Min Zeng, Senior Lecturer, CETL, HKU
Facilitator: Dr. Luke Fryer, Associate Professor / Assistant Director (Programmes), CETL, HKU

Adaptive learning enables learning that adapts to students’ learning needs. E-learning platforms designed for adaptive learning demonstrate great advantages in identifying the learning gaps and misconceptions of individual students. It provides customized feedback and directs students to the next step of learning that are appropriate to each individual student’s learning progress. It is a very effective way to engage students with self-managed learning, which could potentially be a great tool to enhance students’ experience in flipped learning and beyond. In this seminar, a journey with adaptive learning will be shared by the speaker, which started from an effort on promoting flipped classroom. The seminar will discuss one of the key challenges facing flipped classroom (encouraging students’ engagement with pre-class preparation), how adaptive learning as an instructional option can be used to enhance students’ preparation for flipped classroom and beyond, and potential TDG ideas on applying adaptive learning in teaching.

For information, please contact:
Mr. Thomas Lau , CETL
Phone: 3917 4807; Email: kanclau@hku.hk​