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Peer Review of Teaching – From conceptual framework to action plan

Formative Peer Review of Teaching – what’s in action?
Organised by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Series Abstract

The concept of peer review of teaching entails the involvement of colleagues in the appraisal and advancement of teaching practices. Numerous academic institutions worldwide have embraced the adoption of formative and summative peer review processes as an effective approach to providing valuable feedback. Formative peer review fosters teacher agency by enabling them to invite colleagues to act as peer reviewers. Summative peer review of teaching at the departmental/faculty level by allocated reviewers can serve as a dependable, autonomous quality assurance measure.

CETL cordially invites interested parties to participate in a seminar series on both formative and summative peer review. This seminar series seeks to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between HKU colleagues and experts from other universities on various aspects related to the conceptual framework, process, system, and strategies of peer review practice.

[20 Jun 2023] Session 1 | Peer review for teachers – experience sharing
Session 1 | Peer review for teachers – experience sharing

Date : 20 Jun 2023 (Tue)
Time : 1:00pm – 2:00pm (HKT, UTC+8)
Hybrid : Zoom & RRS 322, CETL Learning Lab (3/F, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Speakers :

  • Mr. David Lee, Principal Lecturer and Deputy Programme Director of BFin(AMPB), HKU Business School, HKU
  • Mr. Mathew Pryor, Associate Professor (Teaching), Faculty of Architecture, HKU

Facilitator : Dr. Tris Kee, Senior Lecturer, CETL, HKU


About the speakers

Mr. David Lee
Mr. David Lee is an award-winning teacher that is active broadly in the areas of ethics, fintech, leadership, law, and corporate governance. A recipient of multiple teaching excellence and teaching innovation awards, David is the first business academic to ever receive a UGC Teaching Award, the highest university teaching honor in Hong Kong.

David feels teaching is a wonderful privilege and enjoys being in the classroom and engaging with students. He teaches in the undergraduate, executive education, MBA, and other taught postgraduate degree programs, including the IMBA with Fudan University, and the Executive MBA-Global Asia offered with Columbia Business School and London Business School.

He develops case studies and teaching materials in the areas of corporate governance, decision-making, ethics, fintech, and leadership. He has received funding to explore how technology can be used to develop pedagogy and enhance learning. Combining his interests in ethics, finance, technology, and teaching, David is a co-instructor, along with his colleague, David Bishop, for a first-of-its-kind massive open online course (MOOC) titled, FinTech Ethics and Risks, hosted by edX.

David is a co-author of the first Asia-focused business ethics textbook, Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, An Asia Edition (Cengage Learning Asia, 2019). His commentary and writing regularly appear in print and broadcast media and have been featured in the Harvard Business Review, Arirang TV, Handelsblatt, the Nikkei Asian Review, NK News (a North Korea focused specialist news provider), The Korea Times, TRT World, and the South China Morning Post.

Prior to joining the University of Hong Kong, David worked in investment management. He started his career at Goldman Sachs and also has experience as a lawyer, in management consulting, and working with entrepreneurial ventures.

David earned his J.D. from UCLA School of Law, his M.Sc. (with Merit) in Organisational and Social Psychology from the London School of Economics and Political Science, his M.A. in East Asian Studies from Harvard University, a Postgraduate Certificate in Philosophy from Cambridge, and his B.A., cum laude, in International Politics and Asian Studies from Brigham Young University. David is a lawyer, a CAIA (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst) charterholder, and a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

David has lived in mainland China, South Korea, the United Kingdom, multiple places in the United States, and currently resides in Hong Kong with his family, who are by far his greatest source of inspiration.

Mr. Mathew Pryor
Mr. Mathew Pryor is an Associate Professor (Teaching) in the Division of Landscape Architecture, and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He combines more than 20 years’ experience as a practicing landscape architect with teaching and research at HKU. Through his courses in design and sustainable development he has developed a number of pedagogical innovations in socialized learning. He was a recipient of the HKU Distinguished Teaching Award (2021) and the UGC Teaching (Team) Award (2019). His experimental virtual learning project ‘Curios’ has won a QS Re-imagine Education Award (2021) and the HKU Teaching Innovation (Team) Award (2020).
[28 Jun 2023] Session 2 | Principles of quality teaching at UNSW: Shifting from summative to formative peer review
Session 2 | Principles of quality teaching at UNSW: Shifting from summative to formative peer review

Date : 28 Jun 2023 (Wed)
Time : 1:00pm – 2:00pm (HKT, UTC+8)
Hybrid : Zoom & CETL Learning Lab (RRS 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Speaker : Dr. Anna Rowe, SFHEA, Senior Lecturer, Academic Development, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education & Student Experience Portfolio
Facilitator : Dr. Tris Kee, Senior Lecturer, CETL, HKU

This presentation will provide an overview of summative and formative peer review processes at UNSW, an Australian research intensive university. In 2017 the university implemented an institution wide summative peer review program. The intention was to encourage staff to engage in peer review across the campus, and summative review was mandatory for all staff applying for promotion. Six evidence-based Principles of Quality Teaching were developed, and the program was administered by a central Learning and Teaching unit. From 2023 the summative review scheme has been discontinued as the university shifts towards formative peer review, administered by faculties. The idea is to have a more supportive process which becomes an integral part of career planning and discussions.

About the speaker

Dr. Anna Rowe
Dr. Anna Rowe (SFHEA) is a Senior Lecturer, Academic Development, Pro-Vice Chancellor Education and Student Experience Portfolio. In her role she leads and supports various university wide learning and teaching professional development initiatives (including academic mentoring) and is convenor of the Foundations of Learning and Teaching (FULT) program.

She has researched widely in higher education pedagogy, notably in the areas of work-integrated learning, student feedback, curriculum/assessment, transferrable skills, and the role of emotions in learning. She has a strong trajectory of publications in these areas, including an Australian government commissioned report on work-integrated learning (2017) and 2021 book, ‘Advances in Research, Theory and Practice in Work-integrated Learning: Enhancing Employability for a Sustainable Future’ (Routledge).

Anna was a member of the National ACEN Board of Directors for four years and is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning. Anna has been an assessor for the Australian Awards for University Teaching and was part of the team that won an AAUT Award for Programs that Enhance Learning and AFR Higher Education Award (Employability) at a previous institution.

[3 Jul 2023] Session 3 | Peer Review of Teaching: Elevating Teaching Excellence at NUS
Session 3 | Peer Review of Teaching: Elevating Teaching Excellence at NUS

Date : 3 Jul 2023 (Mon)
Time : 1:00pm – 2:00pm (HKT, UTC+8)
Hybrid : Zoom & CETL Learning Lab (RRS 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Speaker : Dr. Kiruthika Ragupathi, Associate Director, Centre for Development of Teaching & Learning (CDTL), NUS
Facilitator : Dr. Tris Kee, Senior Lecturer, CETL, HKU

Join us in exploring the pivotal role of Peer Review of Teaching (PRT) in fostering a culture of teaching excellence at NUS. This seminar is divided into two parts, delving into both the official summative peer review process and the structured formative peer review of teaching, which serves as a key component of the professional development programme for early career academics.
Discover the evolution of the university-wide summative PRT system introduced first in 2000, and gain insights into the enhancements made during the comprehensive review in 2013. We’ll also discuss how this elevated the quality of peer evaluation and integrated various aspects of the review process using an online platform.

About the speaker

Dr. Kiruthika Ragupathi
Dr. Kiruthika Ragupathi is Associate Director, and has been with CDTL since 1997. She co-leads professional development programmes and oversees the centralised teaching quality instruments at NUS—student feedback and peer review. Her research work focuses on assessment, student living-learning experiences, interdisciplinary education, academic development, and technology-enhanced learning. Kiruthika received the Commendation Medal at Singapore’s National Day Awards in 2014 for her commendable performance and conduct, competence, and devotion to duty in the field of education.
[10 Jul 2023] Session 4 | Summative peer review: Strategic development in HKU Faculty of Medicine
Session 4 | Summative peer review: Strategic development in HKU Faculty of Medicine

Date : 10 Jul 2023 (Mon)
Time : 1:00pm – 2:00pm (HKT, UTC+8)
Hybrid : Zoom & CETL Learning Lab (RRS 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Speaker : Professor Gilberto Ka-Kit Leung, Tsang Wing-Hing Professor in Clinical Neuroscience, Clinical Professor, Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU
Facilitator : Dr. Tris Kee, Senior Lecturer, CETL, HKU

Peer review of teaching was first introduced at HKUMed in 2008 and formalised as a regular activity in 2011. The Peer Review process is applicable to all new professoriate staff in their first contract of appointment; those who intend to apply for promotion and/or tenure; those who seek contract renewal; and those with consistently low SETL score or recurrent negative feedback from students. Staff members may also volunteer to participate for self-evaluation and professional development. This experience-sharing session will discuss the strengths and limitations of the Peer Review mechanism at HKUMed.

About the speaker

Professor Gilberto Ka-Kit Leung
Professor Gilberto Ka-Kit Leung is a neurosurgeon, Clinical Professor, and the Tsang Wing-Hing Professor in Clinical Neuroscience at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He graduated from the Medical College of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, University of London, with M.B.B.S., and from University College London with Intercalated BSc in Physical Anthropology, in 1992. During postgraduate training in the U.K., U.S. and Hong Kong, he was awarded the Hallett Gold Medal by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and the J. Douglas Miller Medal in Neurosurgery by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He joined HKU in 2005 where he obtained two doctorate degrees of M.S. and PhD. He holds an LLB from the University of London, and an LLM in Medical Law and Ethics with Distinction from the University of Edinburgh and the School of Law’s McLagan Prize for Best Graduate.

He is currently President of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, and Co-Chairperson of its Professionalism and Ethics Committee. He is Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) of his medical faculty, and Co-Director of the Centre for Medical Ethics and Law at HKU. He previously served as an Elected Member of the HKU Senate, Director of Trauma Service at Queen Mary Hospital, Chairman of the Hospital Authority Central Committee on Trauma Service, and Region XVI Chief (Asia-Australasia) of the Advanced Trauma Life Support Programme of the American College of Surgeons.

He practises as an Honorary Consultant Neurosurgeon at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong. His clinical and research interests include endoscopic skull base surgery, molecular biology of brain tumours, neuroprotective therapy, medical education, and medical law and ethics. He has supervised 25 postgraduate degree students, and published 201 peer-reviewed journal articles, 12 book chapters, two monographs, 130 conference papers, 66 other publications, and delivered 129 invited lectures, with an H-index (Scopus) of 32 and 3,883 citations.

For information, please contact:
Ms. Kylie Leung, CETL
Phone: 3917 8996; Email: kyliekyl@hku.hk