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Saturday 5 October 2024
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Students as Partners: Inaugural Community of Practice Seminar

Students as Partners: Inaugural Community of Practice Seminar
Organised by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, and Faculty of Dentistry

Details of the Event:
Date : 6 December 2022 (Tuesday)
Time : 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Venue : RRS 321
Speakers : Dr. Mei Li Khong, Ms. Elsa Lam, Prof. Michael Botelho


Students as Learning Co-Designers – ‘Shifts’ and ‘Waves’ with Student-Educator Partnership

‘Students and teachers as partners in teaching and learning’ challenges traditional hierarchies. So why should we do it? When students become learning co-designers, we see a shift from passivity to agency, a shift from merely doing to an awareness about what is being done, a shift from what a learner knows to who a learner is. When teachers enable student-educator partnerships, we see waves of student-centred improvements in the curriculum without compromising professional standards. However, are teachers prepared to relinquish control? Are students equipped to tackle this novel situation? We will share tried-and-tested practices and framework adopted in partnering with medical students to redesign pedagogy and curriculum.

Dr. Mei Li Khong, HKUMed Senior E-learning Instructor, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU

Students as Co-assessors in Internship

In a Work-Integrated Learning Internship, workplace supervisors play an important role in assessing the workplace performance of student interns. What would it look like if interns participated in the assessment process? What are the performance criteria by which the students would prefer to be assessed? How are they different from the criteria used by supervisors in the workplace? This presentation will share some initial observations about student partnership in workplace performance assessment in the Social Innovation and Global Citizenship Internship of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Ms. Elsa Lam, Senior Lecturer Director of Experiential-Learning, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU

Building on an Implementation Framework for Students as Partners – a Roadmap to Engagement

Triggers to innovation and implementation often happen when needs must. Recent travel restrictions curtailed student overseas learning experiences and in their place local opportunities were created based on Students as Partners. From the results from 4 SaP education projects much has been learned from how to plan, implement and evaluate such peer education projects. This presentation will overview the 4 projects and share a process framework on how other may introduce SaP and how this may be built on.

Prof. Michael Botelho, Clinical Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, HKU

For information, please contact:
Ms. Lavina Luk, CETL
Phone: 3917 5272; Email: ytluk89@hku.hk