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Summer Sandbox Series: Signature Pedagogies

Organised by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Series Abstract
Signature pedagogies refer to the “characteristic forms of teaching and learning that organize the fundamental ways in which future practitioners are educated for their new professions” (Shulman, 2005, p. 52). Different faculties in HKU are known for their signature pedagogies such as problem-based learning in clinical disciplines. Despite being rooted within a particular discipline, much can be learned from these signature pedagogies that could be potentially applied to our own teaching and learning. However, these signature pedagogies have mostly been designed and delivered in face-to-face mode. With the pandemic necessitating constant shifts among face-to-face, online, and hybrid modes of teaching and learning, signature pedagogies need to evolve in lockstep. Moving forward, HKU in its newest Teaching and Learning Strategy recommends that we consider the best blend of face-to-face and online learning (Recommendation # 21). Hence, this summer sandbox series will focus on addressing the following questions:

  • What are the different signature pedagogies across faculties/disciplines?
  • What can we learn from these signature pedagogies and how can we apply them to our own teaching and learning?
  • How have these signature pedagogies evolved to address the challenges of online and hybrid teaching and learning?
  • How can we blend the best of face-to-face and online modes in our signature pedagogies?
The Virtual Summer Sandbox consists of four sessions. All sessions will give the participants a space for creative thinking, expert feedback, and support. We shall adopt the following format:

  1. Presentation: This part will involve a presentation on key aspects of the signature pedagogy being featured.
  2. Group discussion: The second part will involve group discussions organized into theme-based breakout rooms allowing us the chance to join a community of learners.
[22 Jun 2022] Session 1
Signature Pedagogy in Clinical Dentistry during Pandemic Times
Case-based and team-based learning for Interprofessional education: Learning together to work together

Session 1: Signature Pedagogy in Clinical Dentistry during Pandemic Times & Case-based and team-based learning for Interprofessional education: Learning together to work together

Date : 22 Jun 2022 (Wed)
Time : 1:00pm - 2:30pm (HKT)
Hybrid Venue : Zoom
Speaker :

  • Prof. McGrath, Colman; Clinical Professor in Dental Public Health, Division Coordinator, Applied Oral Sciences & Community Dental Care, Faculty of Dentistry, HKU
  • Dr. George Lim Tipoe, Associate Professor, Assistant Dean (Enrichment Year), Director, Bau Institute of Medical
    and Health Sciences Education, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU
  • Dr. Fraide Ganotice, Jr; Assistant Professor, Programme Director, Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU
  • Signature Pedagogy in Clinical Dentistry during Pandemic Times
    by Prof. McGrath, Colman

    About the speakers

    Prof. McGrath, Colman
    Prof. McGrath, Colman – his expertise: social impact of oral health and oral health quality of life, impact of society on oral health and oral health inequalities and research in dental education
    Case-based and team-based learning for Interprofessional education: Learning together to work together
    by Dr. George Lim Tipoe and Dr. Fraide Ganotice, Jr
    Through interprofessional education, students from various expertise are expected to learn from, with, and about each other to foster transformative innovation to improve health systems and outcomes. Interprofessional collaborative competencies should not, however, be taken as innate and therefore we need pedagogies as means in achieving IPE outcomes. In this sharing, we will discuss the use of collaborative learning pedagogies (e.g., case-based learning, team-based learning, constructive controversy framework) in running a large-scale inter-institutional interprofessional education and in achieving its behavioural and cognitive outcomes.

    About the Speaker

    Dr. George Lim Tipoe
    Dr. George Lim Tipoe – his research interest is on the mechanisms of inflammation, hypoxia and oxidative stress in the liver. Currently, my work concentrates on the role of antioxidants from medicinal herbs, phytochemical agents and multi-functional drugs (M30) on inflammation and oxidative stress in liver diseases, particularly in non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is one of the leading causes of chronic liver injury across the world. It is also strongly related to other pathological conditions, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Pathogenesis of NAFLD remains not fully characterized but is generally attributed to the occurrence of insulin resistance, lipid metabolism dysfunction, oxidative stress, inflammation, and necro-apoptosis. Every potential therapeutic strategy should target one or some of these pathological events in the liver. Over the past decades, application of herbal treatment for NAFLD received increasing attentions due to its wide availability, low side effects, and proven therapeutic mechanisms and benefits.
    Dr. Fraide Ganotice, Jr
    Dr. Fraide Ganotice, Jr – his research interests include interprofessional education in higher education, professional collaboration, program development and evaluation, teacher development and test Construction (Development, Adaptation, Translation, and Validation).
    [28 Jun 2022] Session 2
    Crit, Jury, Review: Public Facing Assessment in the Teaching of Architectural Design
    Get Out!! Teaching ‘Plants and Planting Design’ With and Without Field Trips

    Crit, Jury, Review: Public Facing Assessment in the Teaching of Architectural Design & Get Out!! Teaching ‘Plants and Planting Design’ With and Without Field Trips

    Date : 28 Jun 2022 (Tue)
    Time : 1:00pm - 2:30pm (HKT)
    Hybrid Venue : Zoom
    Speaker :

  • Mr. Sony Devabhaktuni, Assistant Professor of Design, Department of Architecture
  • Mr. Gavin Coates, Senior Lecturer, Division of Landscape Architecture
  • Crit, Jury, Review: Public Facing Assessment in the Teaching of Architectural Design
    by Mr. Sony Devabhaktuni
    The ritual of the critique is often described as a defining characteristic of architectural design pedagogy. Also called a “jury” or a “review”, students stand before a panel of faculty and professionals to present their work for between 5-10 minutes before receiving feedback. Each 20 minute event takes place in front of the student’s peers and can be open to a public. The talk will look into the origins of this teaching method and consider contemporary debates about its relevance and a shift to on-line learning are generating important and perhaps enduring transformations. The talk will open towards a discussion for other disciplines where problem-based learning, design-thinking methodologies and presentation-format assessments, have become important tools.

    About the speaker

    Mr. Sony Devabhaktuni
    Mr. Sony Devabhaktuni is an assistant professor of design in the department of architecture at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). His research and teaching looks at urban infrastructure and at collaborative processes in architectural design. He works with methods from the social sciences and through drawing. Ongoing projects include: a study of open-ended processes between dancers and architects, the development of architectural scenario planning as a speculative method for urban futures, and research on curb-scale infrastructures of the street.
    Get Out!! Teaching ‘Plants and Planting Design’ With and Without Field Trips
    by Mr. Gavin Coates
    In Landscape Architecture, field trips are a fundamental component of teaching plants and planting design in particular. So what happens when suddenly they’re not allowed? Gavin walked his field trips alone or in groups of two, recording over 700 videos of plants and other landscape features. In this talk he will reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of using videos, social media and other technologies to maintain and improve teaching and learning in this literally down-to-earth subject. At present he is working with TELI and DLL (Digital Literacy Lab) on compiling a ‘Digital Arboretum’ which is intended to serve as a permanently accessible teaching reference and gallery for student projects.

    About the speaker

    Mr. Gavin Coates
    Mr. Gavin Coates is a Senior Lecturer at HKU’s Division of Landscape Architecture teaching Planting Design, Landscape Technology and Landscape Representation.
    He is a Registered Landscape Architect in Hong Kong, Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects, Chartered Member of The Landscape Institute (UK) and a Member of the Chartered Society of Designers (UK).
    From the early 1980s until joining HKU in 2015, he worked as a landscape architect in Hong Kong, participating in key projects for the Hong Kong Government, including Tseung Kwan O New Town infrastructure, Yuen Long Town Park, the design of the waterfall area of Hong Kong Park, and the planting of over 20,000 street trees under the Greening Master Plan programme between 2004 and 2015.
    Gavin is also well known as an illustrator and author of environmental children’s books.

    [13 Jul 2022] Session 3
    HKU Eco-Leaders Training Programme – A Field-based Teaching and Learning Programme
    Let's gather in a social distancing way – Social Innovation and Global citizenship internship

    Session 3: HKU Eco-Leaders Training Programme – A Field-based Teaching and Learning Programme & Let's gather in a social distancing way – Social Innovation and Global citizenship internship

    Date : 13 Jul 2022 (Wed)
    Time : 1:00pm - 2:30pm (HKT)
    Hybrid Venue : Zoom
    Speaker :

  • Dr. Billy Chi Hang HAU, Principal Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, HKU
  • Ms. Elsa Lam, Senior Lecturer, Director of Experiential Learning, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU
  • HKU Eco-Leaders Training Programme – A Field-based Teaching and Learning Programme
    by Dr. Billy C.H. Hau
    Biodiversity is under severe threats and nature conservation is one of the keys to sustainable development. It is the objective of the Major in Ecology and Biodiversity at HKU to empower students with the knowledge and skills in nature conservation, as well as inspire them with the professionalism, pragmatism and dedication of ecologists. Field-based learning is also fundamental in nurturing students’ love of nature. The HKU Eco-Leaders Training Programme was founded in 2005 which involves a six-month field-based training in Hong Kong followed by a field trip to an overseas biodiversity hotspot. In this seminar, the pedagogy, assessment, funding and evolution of the programme will be introduced.

    About the speakers

    Dr. Billy C.H. Hau
    Dr. Billy C.H. Hau got his PhD in The University of Hong Kong (HKU) on forest ecology. He is a terrestrial ecologist and a conservationist. His research focus is ecological restoration, especially for terrestrial habitats in degraded tropical East Asia. He aims to bring back native forest and the associated forest biodiversity into the degraded landscape in Hong Kong and South China. He founded the Native Tree Nursery of the Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) which promotes the use of native plant species in forest restoration work. He is also one of the founders of the China programme of KFBG which aims at halting biodiversity loss in South China. He has set up a 20 ha forest dynamic plot in Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve, Hong Kong under the Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS) – Forest Global Earth Observatory (ForestGEO) programme of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. It is a global network of forest research sites that is strategically positioned for monitoring, understanding, and predicting forest responses to global climate change. On the other hand, he has been a key ecologist in sustainable rural revitalization projects in Long Valley and Lai Chi Wo respectively.
    He is also interested in promoting urban biodiversity through applied research. He is a local expert in ecological restoration on man-made slopes and natural terrains and often engaged in contract research projects on slopes in Hong Kong. His contribution to the “Comprehensive Street Tree Management Plan for Hong Kong” for the Development Bureau in promoting urban biodiversity through the planting of appropriate tree species in urban Hong Kong has made him a Winner in Landscape Policy and Research of the Landscape Institute Awards 2014 (UK).
    He has been teaching ecology and biodiversity at HKU for more than 10 years and is currently the Programme Director of the MSc in Environmental Management. He has been instrumental in developing experiential learning and knowledge exchange programmes for his students. He is very keen in promoting biodiversity conservation to different sectors of the community through teaching, research and field study programmes. He is a mentor of many young conservationists in Hong Kong who are now contributing to environmental conservation locally, regionally and internationally. Dr. Hau strongly believes in the importance of youth development as the society’s future leaders. He is currently the Deputy Master of New College, an intellectual residential hall of HKU and was previously the Warden of Morrison Hall.
    In terms of professional services, he has been serving various environmental NGOs and government committees on ecology and conservation. He is currently a member of the Town Planning Board .
    Let's gather in a social distancing way – Social Innovation and Global citizenship internship
    by Ms. Elsa Lam
    Social Innovation and Global citizenship internship is one of the core requirements of social sciences graduates at HKU. In every April, students after spending two semesters out of the classroom for a term-time internship will gather together for an “Impact Story Telling Poster Presentation.” The event is for students to share their internship experience and insights with their fellow students, teachers and community partners. The pandemic has completely changed this practice in the past two years. In this sharing, we are going to share how the teaching team used an online platform for students to meet and greet virtually with more dynamic movements and interactions in a social distancing way.

    About the speakers

    Ms. Elsa Lam
    Ms. Elsa Lam is Senior Lecturer and Director of Experiential Learning at Faculty of Social Sciences. She began her career as a journalist in Hong Kong and later devoted herself for development work in China and Vietnam for more than a decade, prior to joining HKU. Her current project interest includes global citizenship at home, ethical community engagement and co-creation of learning in internship.
    Elsa received a degree in Journalism and Communication from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, an LLM in Law in Development from the University of Warwick as a British Chevening Scholar and a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University as a Mason Fellow.

    [26 Jul 2022] Session 4
    Pushing the boundary and exploring the 'adjacent possible' in teacher preparation: From Face-to-Face Practicum, ePracticum to HyFlex Practicum
    Moving clinical practicum online: challenges and successes

    Session 4: Designing a rewarding peer feedback learning experience & Moving clinical practicum online: challenges and successes

    Date : 26 Jul 2022 (Tue)
    Time : 1:00pm - 2:30pm (HKT)
    Hybrid Venue : Zoom
    Speaker :

  • Ms. Leung Kin Yi, Promail; Director, School-University Partnerships; Senior Lecturer, Teacher Education and Learning Leadership, Faculty of Education, HKU
  • Dr. CHAN, Karen M.K., Director of Swallowing Research Laboratory, Associate Professor, Program Director, BSc. (SPEECH), Faculty of Education, HKU
  • Pushing the boundary and exploring the 'adjacent possible' in teacher preparation: From Face-to-Face Practicum, ePracticum to HyFlex Practicum
    by Ms. Leung Kin Yi, Promail
    In the past two years, face-to-face classes in Hong Kong have been suspended multiple times due to the covid-19. Since the teaching practicum is an essential component in any teacher preparation program, student teachers’ field experience, teaching competency and assessments were at stake with sustained school closure. In response to these challenges, the School-University Partnership office was pushed to explore the ‘adjacent possible’ of the teaching practicum throughout the pandemic crisis.
    To unfold our fruitful learning journey, this session will i) discuss how we reimagine and reposition the teaching practicum from the conventional Practicum, ePracticum to the HyFlex Practicum; ii) illustrate how to collaborate with partners and stakeholders within and beyond the university to create new opportunities for students’ learning, and iii) share the forward-thinking on how to extend the boundary of the teaching practicum in the post-pandemic times.

    About the speakers

    Ms. Leung Kin Yi, Promail
    Promail Leung is a Senior Lecturer and the Director of the School-University Partnerships in the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong. She has rich frontline teaching and leadership experience and is passionate about teaching, training innovative instructional design skills and using assessment to support student learning. She also runs professional development workshops and seminars on effective classroom teaching and STEM education with the teaching community.
    Promail has received multiple awards in her teaching career, notably the University Early Career Teaching Award (2021) by the University of Hong Kong. She was also the first awardee of the Singapore Outstanding Educator-in-Residence (OEIR) Programme (2011) and awardee of the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (2006) in Hong Kong. She has recently completed a Students as Partners QEF Project on ‘Developing innovative hands-on and minds-on learning and teaching packages in Physics/STEM education’.
    Moving clinical practicum online: challenges and successes
    by Dr. CHAN, Karen M.K.
    Teleclinic or telerehabilitation in speech therapy refers to delivering communication and swallowing assessment and treatment via teleconference. This has not been a common service delivery mode in Hong Kong as most patients and clinicians prefer face-to-face interactions. However, teleclinic became the only service delivery mode under the pandemic because many clinical settings were closed to visitors or services were suspended. Clinical practicum is an essential component in the BSc. (Speech & Hearing Sciences) program, students complete at least 300 hours of supervised clinical practice during the program. Our clinical team quickly switched all clinical practicum online when classes went online and clinical services were suspended. In this talk, we will share our early challenges and some solutions that facilitated our switch. Teleclinic will become a regular mode of clinical practicum from 2023, some preliminary feedback from different stakeholders on their perception of teleclinic will be presented and how they might help to plan future online clinical practicum will be discussed.

    About the speakers

    Dr. CHAN, Karen M.K.
    Dr. CHAN, Karen M.K., PhD, is an Associate Professor and Program Director of BSc. (Speech & Hearing Sciences) at The University of Hong Kong. Dr. Chan is an experienced speech-language pathologist and researcher in the area of swallowing disorders. Her current research interests are in assessment and treatment of motor speech disorders and swallowing problems in elderly, poststroke individuals, and head and neck cancer survivors.

    For information, please contact:
    Ms. Lavina Luk, CETL
    Phone: 3917 5272; Email: ytluk89@hku.hk