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Saturday 5 October 2024
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Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme Seminar – Strategic Leadership in Innovation, Inter-disciplinary Collaboration and Teaching Excellence: a Case Study in the University of Oxford

Organised by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Details of the workshop:
Date : 6 April 2022 (Wednesday)
Time : 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Venue : Conducted via Zoom
Speakers : Dr. Vincent Wong, MEd(EAM), Specialism Coordinator, Faculty of Education, HKU
Facilitator : Dr. Luke Fryer, Associate Professor, CETL, HKU

Video Presentation (HKU Portal Required)

This seminar aims to share the rewarding journey and observation of outstanding practice of innovation, interdisciplinary collaboration and teaching excellence in the University of Oxford in sustaining the culture of entrepreneurship. In late 2021, Vincent visited Oxford and conducted meetings with academia, professional staff and students from faculties and departments, in addition to his observations in one MSc programme. More specifically, the seminar would serve as a collegial platform for the discussion of relevant insights for the following three questions:

  1. Innovation:
    How ‘innovative ideas’ were transformed into ‘program development’ in the University of Oxford from the perspective of institutional culture?
  2. Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
    How ‘interdisciplinarity collaboration’ synergizes the University of Oxford with ‘icon of innovative and inter-disciplinary curriculum leadership’ and what might be the possible implications to HKU?
  3. Teaching Excellence:
    How the culture of teaching excellence be further promoted in the University of Oxford from the perspective of strategic leadership?

In this connection, the seminar is delivered to share the insights reflected and to provide a professional platform for further collegial discussion among colleagues. The target audiences of the seminar include fellow colleagues with strategic positions who might be interested in promoting innovation, inter-disciplinary collaboration and teaching excellence in their professional capacities. This seminar is also an extension of the Seminar ‘Internationalization and Curriculum Leadership via Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme: a Case Study in the University of Oxford’  to be delivered on 15 March 2022, during which how colleagues might apply for TEFS, promote internationalization or curriculum leadership would be discussed.

About the Speaker
Dr. Vincent Wong
MEd(EAM), Specialism Coordinator, Faculty of Education, HKU

Dr. Vincent Wong received his distinction in Doctorate in Educational Administration, Leadership and Policy with outstanding graduate award from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, after which he furthered his professional and academic training in educational, administrative and policy leadership and management in the University of Cambridge and the Harvard Kennedy School, and served as a Visiting Scholar or equivalent in various universities including the University of Oxford, Melbourne, Queensland and Monash, and as a Visiting Professor in Meiji University in Japan. Vincent has also been appointed as a Special Government Researcher in the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the Chinese government and the Finnish Government (in designated Ministries) in the areas of education, national development of human resources management, strategic leadership and governance of talent mobility. Vincent has also been invited by Australian, Korean, Japanese and other Asian governments or international bodies to share his expertise in the Ministry of Education, Personnel Management, Human Resources etc. Currently, Vincent has been elected twice by the member countries as the Chairman (Resolution Committee), the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration from 2019 onwards. For public services, Vincent has been appointed by the Secretary of Education of HKSAR as the member of Steering Committee on Promotion of Vocational and Professional Education and Training and Qualification Frameworks, as well as by QS Reimagination Award as a judge for various education awards. In addition, Vincent is also the Vetting Committee for Sabbatical Leaves for Professional Development of Principals and Teachers of the Education Bureau, and holds other positions in the areas of public services.

For information, please contact:
Ms. Lavina Luk, CETL
Phone: 3917 5272; Email: ytluk89@hku.hk